When it’s time for you and your conveyancing business to grow, a business coach may be just the thing you need.
Business coaching is on the wish list for many business owners. However, time and financial constraints stop many from actually trying it. Kylie Dillon, Founder, Director and Licensee of KDD Conveyancing, decided to make her wish a reality. Here she tells of her overwhelmingly positive experience with coaching.
Deciding on business coaching
Kylie first considered coaching many years ago, when her business was just three people: herself, a receptionist and a trainee conveyancer. She knew she wanted to grow the business, and in order to do this, she knew she had to move from working in the business to working on the business, and worked on putting a plan in place.
She was also noticing changes in the conveyancing industry and felt that her demanding role was holding her back.
“I needed to get out and about more often, to develop more meaningful relationships with the people that were referring work to me,” she says.
“Also, Facebook was relatively new to me at that point and I needed to have a better understanding of it. I didn’t want to risk being left behind.”
The desire to spend a month in the US meant Kylie was forced to let go. “Which is tough when you’re a control freak,” she admits, “to entrust my business and clients with my team.”
But while she was away, she saw just how great her team coped that she knew she was in a position to be able to take the next step.
Finding the right coach
Kylie turned to Google to find local business coaches. After getting a feel for several coaches via their websites, she sent out some enquiry emails.
“It was a matter of finding someone I connected with,” she explains.
“If there was no connection or I wasn’t comfortable then it wasn’t going to work. I also wanted someone who would challenge me and had an understanding of real estate and possibly settlements.”
She found a coach with experience as a real estate agent and a background in the Defence Forces. It was the combination of knowledge, ethics and skills she was after, so she signed up for 12 weekly coaching sessions.
Getting down to business
Kylie’s first meeting with her coach involved talk about goals, capabilities, accountability and commitment. They then worked on putting things down on paper, divided into one-month, three-month, six-month and 12-month timeframes.
Following that, it was time for the real work – and it wasn’t always easy.
“He asked good questions and never once told me what he thought I could achieve. I had to be 100 per cent present and committed to the sessions. He was actually really tough.”
Questions around her values and beliefs forced Kylie to look within.
“There were times in my life that I had made excuses for why I believed I couldn’t achieve certain things.”
The coaching process also brought under scrutiny her view of what it means to be a wife and mother. Kylie had previously never considered asking for help in juggling family life and work.
Moving forward and making changes
Within nine months of starting the coaching, KDD Conveyancing grew from a team of three to 12. There have been plenty of other changes, too:
· New arrangements for Kylie to share childcare with other family members;
· Changing work systems and processes to focus on knowledge sharing;
· More time for Kylie to train staff and focus on marketing and networking; and
· A less emotional approach to work.
Kylie believes there is no greater investment than business coaching. She says she hasn’t looked back.
If you’re feeling stuck in a business rut, a business coach may be just what you need.