.id (informed decisions), part of the PEXA Group, released a new report “Beyond housing targets: A local lens on Australia’s housing crisis,” emphasising the role of nuanced, locally-informed decision making as part of the solution to a national issue.
Although the key message of .id’s report is that housing is a local issue that requires local solutions, some key themes were consistent across the country. The 2024 Annual Living in Australia survey asked a representative sample of Australians about their values, needs and their lived experience of their local area, with regard to 16 different liveability attributes.
‘Affordable, decent housing’ is currently the greatest barrier to liveability in Australia. The attribute was ranked as the third most valued attribute but was also the least positively experienced. Those who were younger and rented their homes valued ‘affordable, decent housing’ more compared to other Australians.
Forecast dwelling growth by statistical area 2 (SA2) regions (2024-29)
Over a third of new housing is forecast to be built more than 30km away from the CBD in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth, with these four capital cities expected to absorb the bulk of population growth over the next 5 years. To combat urban sprawl, transport-oriented development is often touted as a potential solution to address Australia’s housing crisis by creating high-density, mixed-use communities around public transport hubs. However, its feasibility largely depends on whether large, readily developable land parcels in the middle- to outer-rings is available and whether there is capacity in existing infrastructure (e.g. transport, schools, utilities) that can support additional residents.
It is unambiguous that we need more housing. But it’s not just the quantum that matters.
“Focusing on volume alone is not going to solve the country’s housing problem. We need discussion and planning for a variety of dwelling types, sizes and price points and consideration and commitments around the amenity and services that are required to make these new homes actually liveable.”
Crystal McDonald
Housing Consultant, .id (informed decisions)
.id have over 25 years of experience working with hundreds of local governments and industry sectors. To learn more about .id’s services, contact the team at .id at id.com.au or email info@id.com.au.
Download and read the full report from .id here:
About .id (informed decisions)
.id (informed decisions), part of the PEXA Group, is Australia’s leading provider of tools and consulting services that empower confident and strategic local and national decision-making. Our unique analysis and models unlock detailed, evidence-based stories covering demographic, economic and social trends, plus the forecast of population, housing and land supply across Australia.
This independent evidence is built on a breadth of expertise and local area research to help our clients understand local areas in their regional and national context. .id has been trusted by the private sector, local and state government for over 25 years, to provide impartial evidence to inform place-based decisions.